If you qualify for an increasing benefit, you will receive a Basic Benefit of $110 in the first year you are eligible. Your Basic Benefit will increase each year by $110,  provided your last Employer continues to contribute to the Supplemental Plan. If that Employer ceases contributions, you will continue to receive a flat benefit for life.


If you are married when your benefit starts, these amounts are reduced to provide a 50% Survivor Benefit for your spouse (with a minimum annual benefit of $150.00)


Here is an example of the Basic Benefit you may be entitled to receive in the first eight years:


    Single Retiree  Married Retiree*      Spouse
    Year  Increase   Basic Benefit     Increase  Basic Benefit   Survivor Benefit
         1      $110        $110         $88          $88           $150.00
         2      $110        $220         $88          $176           $150.00
         3      $110        $330         $88          $264           $150.00
         4      $110        $440         $88          $352           $176.00
         5      $110        $550         $88          $440           $220.00
         6      $110        $660         $88          $528           $264.00
         7      $110        $770         $88          $616           $308.00
         8      $110        $880         $88          $704           $352.00
                * Average J&S Reduction



If you qualify for a non-increasing benefit, your Basic Benefit will be $150 per year.  If you are married, this amount is reduced to provide a 50% Survivor Benefit for your spouse.


The above benefits are for retirees whose Employer contributes $0.40 per hour. If your Employer contributes at a different rate, your benefit may be different.

                                                WESTERN CONFERENCE OF TEAMSTERS SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFIT PLAN              



      Death Benefits



     Graded Benefits
Employer Withdrawal
       Basic Benefits
        Past Service









 Yellow Transportation
          Local 492
 Retired Line Haul Driver
     Bob Lewis